Packaging Logic

with Insurance Consultation from people who care. The people at Packaging Logic know how to make boxes at the peak level, but to them, insurance is a foreign ball game. They’ve been working with George from Healy Group for years to ensure their work environment...
Allied Physicians

Allied Physicians

with An Insurance Partner with integrity and character. As a larger company with about 250 employees, Allied Physicians requires an insurance partner who can meet employee needs and offer a personal touch. Due to the intimate nature of healthcare and benefits, it was...
Mishawaka Penn Harris Library

Mishawaka Penn Harris Library

with More than three years of rate stability in spite of market rises. As a client with 30 employees on a medical plan, it was important to keep Mishawaka Library’s rates affordable. Through renewal marketing and bringing in competitive carriers, we have been able to...
Big C. Lumber

Big C. Lumber

with Creating a Robust, Affordable Employee Benefits Package Big C Lumber needed something strong and cost-effective for an employee benefits package. Through plan-design strategies, plan renewal options, and overall cost saving strategies, we found Group Medical and...